Monday, November 21, 2011

Giving Thanks......

Peace that passeth understanding….. This phrase has brought new meaning to me in the last few weeks.  Every day is a new day that seems to bring new challenges, concerns and worries but God has blessed me with a sense of peace that I cannot begin to explain.  This is a gift that I am truly thankful for…and how appropriate during the season where everyone is giving thanks for their many blessings!
So as we move closer to Thanksgiving here are things that I find myself thankful for…..
·         Most thankful to my God who hears and answers prayers!
·         Thankful for my FAMILY!  Family has always been priority in my life.  I consider myself so blessed to have such wonderful and loving parents, sister, husband, sons, nephew, brother in-law (old and new, lol) and the numerous others that make up our extended family. 
·         Thankful for another holiday to share with my loved ones!
·         Thankful for the friends who have reached out with warm and encouraging words of support during this time and thankful to those who are not sure what to say or do but offer up their prayers for my family anyway.
·         I am thankful for our jobs that help provide our shelter, transportation, food, etc.  I am often quick to complain about the commute or on the job shenanigans but I realize it is foolish to take for granted a job that helps to support my family.  So the next time a car cuts me off on the  highway I am going to pray that the driver is fortunate enough to be driving to his/her own job!
·         I am so very thankful for my husband!  I probably don’t tell him as often as I should but he is my knight in shining armor.  I love him!  I love he cares and provides for his family. I love the father he is to our boys.
·         So thankful for my two boys!  Even in their teen years they are a blessing and they are a reminder to me every day that love knows no bounds.
·         New to be thankful for this year….. Health Insurance! 
·         Thankful for good nurses!  I have a newfound respect for nurses and the jobs that they do!  A good nurse can make a big difference to a patient….AND to their families!  Especially the ones that do it with such a cheerful and giving attitude.  J
·         I am thankful for the Patient Care Tech’s who took the time to smile and speak with dad when they HAD to wake him up in the middle of the night for vital signs, etc.  It makes for a much more pleasant experience when you are woken up by someone with a warm personality than a Chilly Millie!
·         Thankful and oh so grateful to get to bring my daddy home from the hospital last night!  Home to where he belongs, home to sit on his patio, home to nap in his recliner, home to a decent hot shower and home to do whatever he so chooses at the time he chooses without restraints of IV’s and IV pole!  Thankful for no more hospital food!!
Yes, as I celebrate Thanksgiving with my family this year I will be counting our many blessings.  I will be taking in every precious moment of time spent together.... whether it’s the posing for the traditional family pics, fighting over drumsticks,  preparation and clean-up, sharing memories of Thanksgivings past or finagling for a place on the couch.  It will be a year to remember and a year to be forever THANKFUL  for!

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