This week marked two anniversaries. Yep, that’s right TWO!!
Both anniversaries are special but in very different ways. The first anniversary deserving of celebration is the 48th Wedding Anniversary of my dear parents. They have spent forty eight years loving each other, working hard, raising a family and building their lives together. They truly epitomize the traditional wedding vows: ‘ To have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part’. They have been a living example for their children and grandchildren of loyalty, dedication, and love. They have made us a FAMILY. For those of you that know my mom you know that she has a very deep and real sense of family and her love for family knows no bounds…not just her immediate family but ALL of her family….parents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, and cousins. Shortly after their wedding--like the day after--my parents moved to Texas to begin their married life. Most of their family remained in Arkansas and I am certain they both left a piece of their hearts there as well. The distance however did not prevent us from knowing our family…we learned through stories, pictures and frequent visits. My mom made sure to instill her same love of family in her daughters.
As is the case in all families, our family has experienced the ups, downs and sometimes sideways that life has to offer. The second anniversary we mark this week is the 8 month anniversary of dad’s cancer diagnosis….or as I prefer to think of it….8 months of showing cancer who is boss! I often revisit the memory of the day of his original MRI and the devastating conversation that followed with the radiologist. The impact of his words in just a few short moments sent my world into a spiral. Why God? Why my dad? Why can’t he be one of the patients from the waiting room who just came in for a simple procedure and leave with good news? How am I going to remain strong for my mom? I need to call someone…how do I use my phone? Why can’t I stop the shaking to dial the right number? How do I relay this news to my family?? Family…that’s it….I have to call my family. They have to know, they need to know…they would want to know wouldn’t they? First call was to Tony, my rock. Next up had to be Amy but I couldn’t bring myself to call her because I couldn’t talk through the tears so I opted to call Michael knowing he would be able to best handle getting her out of school and to the hospital. Many more calls that day and in the days that followed but they didn’t get any easier.
In 8 months none of this has gotten any easier. I don’t have to make the phone calls any more but the worry, fear, concern and pain is still there. I don’t send out regular updates to family anymore but there is plenty of updating to be done.
So as we commemorate these anniversaries this week my family will continue to move on as a family does…. Praying through the bad times, holding tight to each other through the hard times, enjoying the happy times and celebrating the good times of our lives-- all as a FAMILY should!
To my family – I treasure each day we have together…know my love is yours forever and I will cherish you always! All my love, Julie
Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family. ~Anthony Brandt
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