For those of you that read Amy’s blog ( you already know that this past weekend consisted of a family reunion in Arkansas--The Whorton Kin and Friends reunion. We love our family and try to take advantage of every opportunity to spend time with them…near and far. Amy and I consider ourselves blessed to have such a special mom. She made sure we grew up with her same deep sense of family. From early childhood she shared pictures, stories and family history with us. Many of these history lessons and story-telling sessions took place in the car on the long road trips to Arkansas. I imagine this was her way of helping deepen the connection with our ‘Arkansas’ family. Unlike Amy and I, many of our relatives grew up close to one another not only in age but in proximity. So to my Whorton kin…you may not know a lot about us but you just might be surprised to know what we know about you…Lol!
This year was bittersweet as mom and dad were not able to make it to the reunion. Truth is dad just wasn’t physically up to making the trip. We understood but we didn’t like it….not one bit. We wanted our ‘mommy and daddy’ to be with us if you will. But it was not to be this time. This was the first time ever that we traveled to Arkansas without them. It didn’t feel right leaving them. The one upside, if you can call it that, is that we booked our stay on our beloved Mt. Nebo where the cabins are homey and inviting, the deer are frequent visitors and the sunsets are spectacular! I can’t explain the connection I have to this place …other than when I am there it feels like it is right where I should be. Make sense? Yes…great! No, ok moving on…
To the reunion itself….It was much harder than I anticipated. I enjoyed seeing everyone but I didn’t make the most of my time there…can you say regret? I didn’t expect it to be easy but I also didn’t expect to get so emotional either. The well meaning inquiries about mom and dad, the ‘wish they were here’, and ‘ hope we see them next year ‘ was a little overwhelming. It was touching to hear just how much my mom is loved and she was obviously missed BUT it was also a foreshadowing of what the future will hold when one day she can’t be there for other reasons. I’m not ready for a future without either of my parents. So start with a little sentimental, add a little sorrow, mix with overactive thinking and you have a recipe for one sappy Julie. Sorry family… I hope to get it right next year!
Speaking of getting it right…. dad’s scan is clear… great news! Not so right is the fact that the doctor was not able retrieve a good sample of CSF fluid for testing from dad’s Ommaya reservoir. It appears that the reservoir was placed too long ago and will not be usable for his next round of chemo treatments. P.S. CSF means Cerebrospinal Fluid, which is tested to determine the presence (OR NOT) of cancer cells. Note, I am not a doctor and I don’t play one on TV, just starting to sound like one courtesy of dad’s cancer. So as it stands now he will have to have LP’s, meaning Lumbar Puncture, to have chemo drug delivered. Puncture just sounds plain painful… couldn’t they call it Lumbar Prick? Hmm…on second thought maybe not. Either way, I think a refund is due for the malfunctioning Ommaya Reservoir. Returning it however is not an option….that would require brain surgery. So it looks like dad will just get to keep that little souvenir as a reminder of all he has been through. Every hero deserves a medal…this will be his!
For my dad…..
1 Chronicles 28:20
"Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the LORD is finished.
"Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the LORD is finished.