I originally started this blog to document our family’s journey as my dad battled cancer. While cancer remains in the forefront of everyone’s mind we also have some really good times and days together as a family. So I think it’s only appropriate to document some of those times as well. It is my blog after all….and hopefully the few of you that read it will indulge me this one time.
Relay - This past weekend was absolutely busy, wonderful and sometimes highly emotional! We kicked off the weekend on Friday evening in warm and windy Decatur, Texas. Amy and I signed up to participate in the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life as part of Hunter’s high school team. Originally our participation was to celebrate dad’s 5 year remission mark but soon after sign-ups we learned of dad’s newest cancer diagnosis thus making this Relay even more significant to us. We were very fortunate to have good friends and family make donations to ACS on our behalf for which we were very thankful! At the last minute Cameron decided he wanted to participate as well. Luckily Aunt Amy had an extra shirt so he could fit right in…and I think he put us to shame by completing more laps than us! The opening ceremony was very poignant as the Survivors and Caregivers began the initial lap at the end of one track and began walking in opposite directions to meet at the other end of the track. Upon meeting at the other end of the track each survivor linked up with their caregiver to finish the lap. It was a very touching visual and proved that cancer does not discriminate against age, gender, or race. Tears streamed my face as I watched the survivors make their way with their caregivers….I am certain I was not the only one with a tearstained face. The Luminaria ceremony was also touching. The stadium lights were dimmed and the track was lined with luminaria that paid tribute to honor and remember those have been touched with cancer. Overall the night was a unique experience filled with luminaria decorating, laps, laughter and a little looting! With teenagers you have to learn to expect the unexpected….for us it was finding kids sitting in our chairs helping themselves to our snacks! We somehow managed to stick it out until closing ceremony at 6:00 am the next morning. It was poetic to start the relay during the light of day, continue through the darkness of night and complete it as the sun was rising. It’s similar to the cancer battle itself…diagnosis comes in the light and the real fighting seems to take place in the dark, but when morning light comes we are reminded of hope of another day!
Roses- This weekend also happened to be Prom weekend! Zak’s senior prom! I was so excited to be able to share in the excitement of this special occasion with Zak. My little boy has turned into a young man and I treasure this time with him. We shopped for his tux together, though he could have easily done it on his own, he has pretty good fashion sense…for a boy. He picked out the corsage for his date on his own. It was made of dark red roses and it was beautiful. The best part is he was sweet enough to let me tag along to get pictures of him with his date….and all I can say is ADOREABLE. They made a very cute couple!
Rejoice- It’s not about winning or losing but how you play the game. Who am I kidding?! I want to win! Cameron’s baseball team has been on a bit of a losing streak and it makes it hard to be excited at the games. He had a doubleheader on Saturday and of course I had to miss the first game…..prom preparations and all. I get the call on my way to his second game that not only did he strike out 9 players in a row but that they won the game 11-1. What?? I wasn’t there to see!! Thank goodness they pulled out a win in the second game that I DID get to see!
Recover- Now after this crazy busy weekend I get a few days to try to recover before it starts all over again. Graduation activities start next Sunday! So stay tuned for more updates!
This is the day the LORD has made: We will rejoice and be glad in it. ~Psalm 118:24